“Education is expensive, if you want something cheaper, try ignorance,” this is one of the clichés that has ben well worn and said over a million times. But this cliché is a reality that painfully bites.
Nowadays, only a few numbers of students have parents who can really afford their education in college without placing excessive burden on their shoulders. The common scenario for youths today is working while studying at the same time, especially in college, working students as what they are termed.
Most often the academic performances of these working students’ suffer if they will not be able to manage their time wisely. But are we going to allow education to be exclusive only for the wealthy? The answer is, definitely not.
That is why education grants benefits and opportunities exist. The purpose of this is to help the students to sustain their college education by generating educational funds though minimal.
Grants unlike scholarships are based on the students’ specific need, if not a combination of needs and merits.
However, before you get this privilege, you have to be assured that you are eligible for the opportunity. Basically, the process of grants benefited both the students and the institutions that are using that grant money to develop the curriculum, employ new faculties, and construct new facilities.
The difference of grants to the scholarships and students’ loans is that it is given to the benefactor without any expectation of repaying it. Grant is a monetary gift. Scholarship on the other hand, is awarded according to the academic merit though it is also a monetary gift.
However, the students’ loans really differ among the three privileges. Students’ loan is the sum of money being borrowed by the student to finance his schooling with the agreement to repay it after some time with the corresponding interests.
The awarding of grants may come in general categories, or it may also be awarded to students who are pursuing a specialized degree program, like mathematics or business, or to various degree levels, such as Bachelors, Associate, Doctoral or Masters.
Also, grants may come originally from different sources: college and university, public and private organization, and federal state.
Since grants are specially meant for the financially unprivileged, certain grants exist for the deprived, underrepresented minorities and students. There are also some cases wherein the grant money is exchanged for professional service after the graduation. This is common to those taking up health care professions. The main purpose of this is to keep trained professionals in medically underserved regions.
Grants are particularly taken up by the adult students to return to college or to college programs that will direct them in reentering the place of work.
This is usual since college does not anymore require for the traditional age, specifically between 18 to 24 years of age. Americans nowadays are becoming more and more practical in considering several chances to receive a degree. And this modern perception has driven adult students to flock into colleges without the fear of public scrutiny unlike before.
The world today is requiring skillful and sharp new set of labor force for them to be able to join the flow of the competitive market. And for the applicants to be credible for these characteristics they must present a college diploma.
Hence, having a college degree is really vital.