Now that the internet is so popular, many things have changed. We keep in touch with our friends and family through Facebook and Twitter. We send an email now instead of posting a letter. Most of us know people all over the world yet don’t know many of our neighbors. In this atmosphere, it’s easy to see why dating singles online is also the way couples get together these days.
One advantage to dating singles online is the access to a great many single people all at once. There are many online dating sites with thousands of potential dates for you. You aren’t limited to meeting people through friends and family – and let’s face it, how often does that really work out?
The best thing is you don’t have to get all dolled up and travel to a club to find a new person to date. That scene is fine to go out with friends but it’s not and never was the best place to find someone new.
Another advantage is that you can learn a little bit about that person before you ever approach them. All the dating sites have profile features, some very detailed, and people can include pictures and even videos. You can search through the sites based on all sorts of criteria, too. Do you want to meet certain age people? Perhaps you only want to meet those within 50 miles of your location or maybe you want to meet someone who isn’t nearby. The choices are endless.
The nice part about this is you don’t have to be so concerned with how this person will react or the fear of rejection. It’s tough to get hurt feelings by someone not returning an email. It’s a lot harder to approach someone in person and have them turn you down.
You can get to know the people you are interested in by chatting with them through email and instant messagers before you have to actually meet them in person. You can take as long as you’d like to be comfortable enough to move beyond the computer to phone calls or meeting face-to-face.
Some people, who aren’t comfortable with the new technologies, will say that meeting someone you met over the internet is dangerous. That seems silly, though. How is it safer to go on a date with some person that gave you their number Friday night at the bar? Besides, as said before, it’s a great thing to work up to a date, anyway.
Start by exchanging emails and asking questions about the other person. Figure out if you sound compatible before you further the contact. From there, work up to instant messagers and then phone calls. Taking the time to really get to know each other will be better in the long run then simply going out on a date after a dance in a club. You’ll know the person a lot better.