Down on the farm grannies around the world enjoy crafting the Country Square Afghan. Of course, some country moms take delight in creating the squares as well. In view of the fact, and considering you as one of these country lovers, we can learn how to create the Country Square Afghan.
To get started you will need a gauge of 5 inch squares to create 88 squares. You will need finishing yarn, around 45 inches times 63 inches. Purchase some smooth, wool cloth, i.e. the worsted without the nap and made up of snug twisted, long-fiber wool. You will need 20 ounces of taupe, beige, and a hook to match your gauge size. (J) To start you will create your 88 squares, using the beige and chain stitching six times to join the slipstitch, which will shape your loop.
In the first round, chain three stitches to the meet the first double crochet. Add fifteen doubles into your loop and slip stitch to the crown at the beginning of your chain. Tighten, and move to round two. Next, create a slipknot, using your taupe. Chain stitch and intersperse your hook at the back and moving to the right/left and in the region of the post of one of your doubles on the beginning round. Finish your stitch by creating a double crochet at the beginning of your double crochet and raise it back. Chain and intersperse your hook commencing at the back, then right/left moving about in the identical double crochet post. Finish with a stitch, creating a double, i.e. one double about the post and onto the following double crochet created in the first round. Repeat the steps working around the finish and add three chain stitches and a slipstitch at the crown of your beginning chain stitch. Tighten and move to round three.
In round, three combine your beige forming a slipstitch into your choice of the three chain spaces you have created. Chain three stitches to create the beginning double crochet in this step. Work in a double crochet, three chains, and another two doubles, working it into the following space. Now you have created a corner, which you will continue to repeat the steps twice, adding three doubles into the previous three chain spaces, complete with the slipstitch at the crown of the beginning chain, and tighten.
The final round, combine your beige at your corner (Choice is yours) and chain three stitches to meet the double crochet and exert a double, two chains, two doubles, and working it into your corner. In each of your previous seven stitches, double crochet and add a slipstitch at the crown of your beginning chain stitch. Tighten and begin to assemble your Afghan.
How to assemble:
Back loops are created with an 8 x 11 width, squared length, starting on the left side and facing the beige oversewing small stitch tog squares. (Whipstitch) Once you assemble, you will need to border your Afghan.
How to border: Starting with round one add your taupe yarn at choice corners and chain three stitches to meet with your double crochet. Continue to exert double, two chains, two doubles, into the identical corner and double it into the following two stitches. Chain one stitch, skip one, and double crochet into the following stitch. Before you come to the next corner, create two stitches from the previous steps and double crochet into the stitches while working two doubles, chains, and two more doubles into your corner. Repeat the steps working about the corner adding a slipstitch at the crown of your beginning chain.
Continue to round two, three, and four. In round two, chain three stitches into the next double and at the corner space. Exert two doubles, chains, and two more doubles to meet in the corner and another double before arriving at the succeeding corner. Chain one stitch and repeat your steps working about the first slipstitch at the crown of your starting chain, and tighten. Continue to round three. In the corner, combine the beige yarn and chain three stitches to meet the double and exert a double, two chains, and two doubles, working toward the following corner. Chain one stitch and to the double creating six doubles total before working to two doubles, chains, and another two doubles in your corner. Repeat the steps working about the corner, adding a slipstitch at the crown and tighten. Use your taupe yarn in the last round and work from the corner adding three chain stitches to meet the initial double. Exert a double, two chains, and another two doubles working in the corner and moving to another double within the following eight doubles. Chain 1, double, and work into the eight created doubles at the corner and repeat your steps working about the slipstitch at the crown of your starting chain. Snug the Afghan and you are finished.