Have you just gone through a break up? And are you now wondering how to get an ex back? If so, you are not alone. Virtually everybody has broken up with someone at one point or another. However, most of those people decided to move on instead of trying to get back together with an ex. But, those people aren’t you.
If you are ready to do what it takes and willing to do a little work to get your ex back, then there is hope for you and your situation. To put it simply, being broken up doesn’t mean you can’t get back together.
Even though it may seem impossible right now, in the vast majority of cases, there is no real reason why both parties can’t work through their issues and be a couple again. The key is knowing what steps are needed to win your ex back.
Before you do anything else, it is absolutely essential that you uncover the real reason why you broke up. This is harder than it sounds. That’s because the first few reasons you think of, are likely not the real reasons.
You need to do some digging to get to the underlying causes that led to splitting up. While you can’t go back in time to change things to prevent the break up, you can learn from the past, but only to the degree that you are able to find the true cause of what went wrong.
One single event may have been the cause of your break up. But more often than not it’s a series of events or behaviors that have accumulated until they reached the boiling point that caused you to split. Regardless, it’s going to take some work to get to the bottom of things.
And you have to do so before you can move forward. Sure, you may be able to take shortcuts to get your ex back, but you will only be headed towards trouble again. If you’re going to make an effort to get back together, you may as well do it right and be in a longer term relationship.
The next step to getting your ex back is to not appear as being needy. When you want to get back together, you want to do it now. There is a tendency for people in this situation to wear their heart on their sleeve, and be overly emotional. You will do much better if you appear confident and well-adjusted than if you appear to be an emotional wreck. To put it another way, confidence will be more appealing to your ex than fragility.
Finally, do not play games. A lot of people will tell you to get even with your ex, or try to make them jealous. That’s not only immature, it’s also manipulative and not the kind of foundation to build a renewed relationship on. Also, it sends a strong signal that you are not well-adjusted. Who would want to be with somebody who’s going to manipulate them into doing things they don’t want?