The various types of decoration used at Christmas are what gives a pretty
and sparkling look, and what puts some splendor into the season. The Christmas
tree with its myriad decorations is a standard and central decorative element of
Christmas. But the presence of the Christmas tree is also enhanced by
decorations such as wreaths, garlands, lights and figurines.
Wreaths have a round or circular shape and are often used as the
decorative piece on the front of a door. Variations of wreaths include berry,
grapevine, poinsettia and snow. The berry wreath will have individual and small
clusters of red berries, holly leaves with features like a gold tint, pine cones
and needle styles. A grapevine wreath has a vine-like look and may have pine
sprigs and clusters of red berry.
Poinsettia wreaths showcase leaves that are red or different shades of red, and
may have glittered fruits such as pear, apple and grape clusters throughout its
structure. Based on the size of a poinsettia wreath, it may also have large or
small pine cones, pine sprigs and holly leaves. And then there are snow wreaths
that have an icy look from pine cones that are sprinkled or covered with snow
and which are scattered throughout the wreath.
Garlands are primarily used to decorate stairways, banisters and mantels.
Garlands also have variations such as those that have a lighted Christmas tree
look with twinkling lights and tiny ornaments or tinsel to sparkle. Others such
as a mixed needle lighted garland would have branches of wide and thin pine
needle and Christmas lights.
Christmas lights come in various forms and are also used in numerous ways
to make homes and business places shine and sparkle during the holidays.
Christmas lights may be colored or plain, may or may not twinkle, and may be
single-stringed or have multiple strings to be hung to create a look like
icicles, which makes them very flexible in how they can be used.
To beautify houses during the Christmas season, Christmas lights may be
strung around the roof line, in shrubs, placed at windows to form different
patterns and placed on patios or porches to hang as icicles. Lighted candles are
also used in windows to make them visually appealing.
Another type of lighted decoration seen during Christmas is in the form of
figures that are placed on lawns. It’s a matter of personal taste that decides
how many figures to place on lawns, whether a lot or a few pieces or sometimes
just a single one may be attractive enough.
Christmas trees are the standard decorative elements that are mandatory during
the season. They may be real or artificial and can be placed inside or outside.
If placed outside, they should be lighted and also in a sufficiently lit but
subdued lighted area to maximize their visual beauty. Christmas trees are
wonderful to decorate because the entire family can participate in the
decorative process by placing the ornaments, baubles, lights and tinsel on the
tree. Some ornaments may even be personal, such as hand-made items or treasured
keepsake mementos. When these are placed on the tree every year, it can become a
tradition that is kept in the family and which creates a special memory as each
Christmas comes around.
Poinsettia flowers, with their flaming red leaves, are also a staple
decoration at Christmas time. They can be placed wherever it’s suitable to place
plants. Poinsettias are commonly used around offices in general and personal
work spaces during the Christmas season.
If there’s snow and a lucky ‘White Christmas,’ especially on
Christmas Day, then it’s worth it to bundle up and with the children jump into
the snow to make a ‘Frosty Snowman.’ While a smiling snowman on a lawn is a
temporary decorative feature during Christmas, it’s always a surprise and
delight because it means that children were out playing in the snow and having
Given the many types, variations and ways in which Christmas decorations
can be used, everyone can have some pleasure and be creative in arranging some
form of Christmas decoration to add their own sparkle and twinkle to the